Pavel Durov

Pavel Durov, a well-known tycoon and coder, established VKontakte and Telegram, the top social media and messaging platforms in Russia. To add to his account, he helped create the cryptocurrency Toncoin. Recognized as a philanthropist, thinker, and billionaire, he has made a significant mark in the tech sector. Born on October 10, 1984 in St. Petersburg, Durov grew up in a scholarly household. His father, Valeriy Durov, a respected philologist and professor at St. Petersburg University, and his mother, an academic, instilled in him a love for learning.

Childhood and family

At the age of four, Pavel and his family relocated to Italy, where his father began teaching Russian. After spending two years at the Turin School, Pavel Durov returned to St. Petersburg, his hometown, to further his education and enhance his English proficiency. He later enrolled in an academic gymnasium with a comprehensive curriculum covering Russian, mathematics, and English, and successfully graduated with a silver medal.

Pavel’s elder brother, Nikolai, displayed outstanding mathematical talents early on, garnering attention from the Italian media, which lauded him as a brilliant mathematician capable of solving intricate problems.

Nikolai dominated in almost all mathematics and computer science Olympiads at his school, excelling to the point of being able to compete internationally. Interacting with him provided Pavel with a wealth of knowledge, thanks to his older brother.

Academic Journey

Commencing in 2006, he pursued studies in English Philology and Translation at St. Petersburg State University’s Faculty of Philology, ultimately graduating with honors. Durov actively engaged in linguistic Olympiads during his academic pursuits, earning recognition through a scholarship bestowed by the President of Russia and the Russian government for his exceptional academic achievements.
Besides his mother tongue, Russian, Durov possesses proficiency in seven other foreign languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Persian.

Works by Pavel Durov

Early online projects

During his student years, Pavel Durov initiated the development of a straightforward and user-friendly information and communication platform. He established a digital repository enabling users to access essential resources and assignments, which he named In 2005, Pavel Durov assumed the role of both moderator and originator of a notable student forum at St. Petersburg State University –

These initiatives were established with the intention of enhancing interaction among students at St. Petersburg State University and furnishing them with essential details. They were not driven by any profit motives.


The concept for launching the VK social platform arose from a discussion between Pavel Durov and Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, who had pursued education in the United States for a number of years. Pavel’s sibling, Lev Leviev, also participated in the initial phases of the endeavor. The initial iteration of the platform functioned as an exclusive network that necessitated an invitation for entry. Initially dubbed “Studencheskaya” by the Durovs, the platform was later rebranded as “VKontakte” to more accurately represent their vision.

Pavel Durov, Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, and Lev Leviev established the organization. Pavel assumed the role of CEO, while Nikolai Durov took charge of the technical aspect.

As per reports released by the media on January 24, 2014, Pavel Durov divested his 12% share in VKontakte to Ivan Tavrin, the CEO of Megafon and the proprietor of UTV Holding. The stake was subsequently acquired by Group, leading to Durov’s resignation as CEO.


Pavel Durov and Telegram

Telegram, a messaging platform, is presently in the stages of development. Alongside the Durov siblings, Telegram has seen continuous advancement.
Between August 2013 and September 2014, the iOS iteration of Telegram could be found on the App Store, and a version for Android emerged on Google Play in September 2014. The creators assert that messages transmitted via Telegram are not meant to be reachable by external parties, with the application offered for a complimentary download.

At the present time in 2024, Telegram boasts 950 million active users. Since March 2024, the platform has been appraised by investors at a valuation surpassing $30 billion post Pavel Durov’s declaration.

Pavel Durov and Toncoin

Pavel and Nikolai Durov, the proprietors of Telegram as of late 2017, initiated the establishment of the Telegram Open Network (TON) on a blockchain framework.
They have released an elaborate technical document outlining the functions of the core elements of the network. Their objective was to establish a rapid, cost-effective, and infinitely scalable system for both financial and non-financial transactions. Additionally, they aimed to merge separate blockchains into a decentralized network.

By this reasoning, Telegram Open Network (TON) had the potential to serve as a platform for decentralized applications akin to Google Play and the App Store. The strategy involved the creation of Gram, intended as the primary cryptocurrency within the network. This digital currency could be utilized for purchasing content, subscribing to services, supporting Telegram channel creators, and acquiring tangible goods and services from bots.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has classified Gram tokens as securities, alleging that Pavel Durov devised a plan to enable investors to make profits by trading Gram on public markets. The US court supported the SEC’s argument and prohibited the issuance of cryptocurrencies similar to Gram.
Consequently, investors were deprived of the anticipated tokens, and the launch of the TON blockchain never materialized. Subsequently, some investors requested the return of their capital from Pavel Durov. Telegram, in turn, refunded over $1.2 billion to these investors in response.

In May 2020, Durov exited the unfinished project, leaving Telegram unable to launch its own blockchain platform to address the issue of monetizing the messenger app. Following Pavel Durov’s departure, Toncoin faced challenges.

Toncoin after Pavel Durov

Nevertheless, the Telegram team successfully transformed TON into a comprehensive product post-Durov’s departure. The project being open-source allowed for continued development by various groups of enthusiasts taking advantage of the code provided by Telegram. As a result, multiple enthusiastic teams emerged, opting to establish their own network utilizing the open-source resources left behind by Telegram.

The trial version of the NewTON blockchain network was initiated by the NewTON team in late May 2020, a faction within the broader TON project community. Similar to FreeTON and the Chinese TON Community, which are built on TON’s code, this group has carried forward the evolution of the initial testnet2 network established by Durov’s corporation. Subsequently, the development squad rebranded itself as the TON Foundation. Within this collective are developers, individuals engaged with the open Telegram platform, validators, champions of public blockchain competitions held on Durov’s messaging service, crypto enthusiasts, and other stakeholders.

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